We'll help you feel your best.

Chiropractic & Nutrition Clinic

We take great pride in your health. We are a family wellness practice encouraging optimal health through specific chiropractic care including structural alignment, personalized nutrition and energy balancing. Many patients begin their care in our office with a specific health concern and then realize chiropractic is all about optimal health.. how to get well quicker, and stay well longer. 

Once you are healed and feel better than ever, routine, consistent, periodic chiropractic care will help to ensure that this feeling will never fade away. A program including regular adjustments, exercise, and a healthy diet will help ensure the health of your musculoskeletal system. 

Dr. David Hill, D.C.

Dr. David Hill has been practicing chiropractic in Vista for over 30 years, first established in 1982. After graduating with an International Business degree from Brigham Young University in Utah, Dr. Hill found that his true passion was helping others achieve optimal health. This led him to obtain his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Pasadena Chiropractic College in 1981. 

Over the years, Dr. Hill has better come to understand how an alignment paired with the proper nutrition keeps patient's bodies healthy and strong. His nutritional supplements are whole food vitamins and his use of applied kinesiology allows him to find what your body may be lacking, thus the ultimate cause of an issue you may be having. He believes in an honest practice where he doesn't force you to come back for multiple visits if your problem is resolved but believes routine check-ups are beneficial for your health. 

We are a family run practice and look forward to welcoming you to the family!